On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 08:27:13AM +1000, talonz wrote:
> Recently i have been using a dialup 56k account to access the net
> and have noticed that when my ssh session times out and I am editing
> a file in ` ee ' the system goes to 99% cpu usage and stays like
> this till the pid is killed.
> This is a standard user account (not root/su)
> Would a user be able to create a denial of service condition
> on the remote system using this bug?

No more then they could with the ablity to run any other program that

> (sorry if this is posted to the incorrect list)
> Details:
> System - FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p5
> ee using 99% cpu after user session terminates abnormaly
> PID reported by top.
> The output from ps looks like this
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps aux| grep 70464
> someuser 70464 93.5 0.1 1920 1372 p1- R 7:09PM 687:07.27 ee file

I can't seem to trigger this bug on a 7.0 machine either by killing the
client or using tcpdrop to kill the tcp session.

-- Brooks

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