On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 11:37 PM Gordon Tetlow via freebsd-security
<freebsd-security@freebsd.org> wrote:

> <snip>
> > Can it be ethically acceptable to put users at risk, for example by
> > intentionally (?) not setting any limits to what extent installer
> > scripts are allowed to collect sensitive user and system data and
> > disclose them to interested third parties?
> This is an interesting point. Unfortunately, the technology we have gives 
> unfettered access to the system. I'm having a hard time thinking how we could 
> achieve the goal of installing software (which in our model requires root 
> privileges) while also limiting what it is allowed to do on said system. I'm 
> not aware of any other package system (rpm, deb, etc) that has technical 
> limits on pre/post installation scripts. If you are aware of any examples, 
> I'd love to see it to see if there is something we can incorporate. Patches, 
> as always, are welcome to improve the system.

For what it's worth, there is some "prior art" in other package
management systems for various levels of technical restrictions:

* Gentoo's Portage uses a library called "Sandbox"[1], which uses the
LD_PRELOAD mechanism to put it self "first in line", and it intercepts
various lower level calls that way to mitigate risk.
* Exherbo's Exheres packaging format (derived from Gentoo's) has their
own sandboxing mechanisms[2] which are pretty broad in scope; I think
under the hood it's using sydbox[3], which says it's using ptrace and
seccomp to implement it (so it may be more resilient than an
LD_PRELOAD approach).
* Debian's FakeRoot[4], which seems to use a similar mechanism, but I
think this is only applied during the binary package building.
LD_PRELOAD based as well
* InstallWatch[5] for RPM; seems like this isn't as maintained, so I
can't find as many details, but again, I think this is only used
during binary package builds

That said, I think all these just help protect against accidental
missteps, not malicious intent. There's obviously a lot of implicit
trust when you're running someone else's software.

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Sandbox_(Portage)
[2] https://exherbo.org/docs/eapi/exheres-for-smarties.html#sandboxing
[3] https://github.com/sydbox/sydbox-1
[4] https://wiki.debian.org/FakeRoot
[5] https://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/installwatch.html

Mike Kelly
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