On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 11:26:32PM +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Wilko Bulte wrote in list.freebsd-stable:
>  > On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 07:36:31PM +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote:
>  > > About 50%, that is, about 4.5 hours (instead of 9) on average
>  > > per work unit, on an Athlon-500.  And I did only optimize the
>  > > FFT and didn't touch the rest.  With a bit more effort, further
>  > > improvements would be certainly possible.
>  > 
>  > Is this version on the setiathome server at Berkeley?
> No.  I submitted my code to the Seti@home folks for review,
> they said "great, thanks!" and I've never heard anything from
> them again.  :-(

Blegh. NIH ?

(not invented here) Or are they just to busy with their Corporate Primary
Sponsors ? <sigh>

>  > Related question: there does not seem to be a seti@home client for 
>  > FreeBSD/alpha. Is there anybody working on this?
> Not that I'm aware of.  I could compile a client, but the
> problem is that (1) my Alpha's power supply is currently
> broken, and (2) there is currently OpenBSD installed on
> it...  :-}
> Does FeeBSD/Alpha run reliably on an AXPpci33 with Quantum
> Fireball (SCSI)?

Yes, no problem. My NoName is currently living with Marcel Moolenaar
for X-build testing etc. Running -current FreeBSD. Works great, albeit
slowly (21066 CPUs are just not fast).

If your NoName is the one with the broken PSU: any normal AT-style PSU
will work.

Since you like tuning 'iprobe' for the Alpha will be a nice tool.

Wilko Bulte             Arnhem, The Netherlands   - The FreeBSD Project 
                        WWW : http://www.tcja.nl  http://www.freebsd.org

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