On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 04:42:34PM -0500, Brennan W Stehling wrote:
> How about having an UPDATING and an UPGRADING file?

Lack of people to update them.  Then people complain when they get out
of sync.

If you (or anyone else reading this) wants to step forward and maintain
either of these files, please yell now.  For example, /usr/src/UPDATING
is currently empty in 3-stable because no one's volunteered to maintain

> One could explain a simple upgrade of a similar branch while the upgrade
> file will explain how to go from 3.x to 4.0 and above.  That would make it
> clear that there is a different method for the two situations.

There isn't really a different method.

    % cd /usr/src
    % make world

However, at certain times, in *both* trees, you might need to jump through
more hoops than that.  The hoops differ depending on where you're coming
from, and where you're going to.  UPDATING aims to list all those hoops
(and this is dynamic information, which makes it less suitable for the

> If anyone has suggestions for documenation, perhaps it should copied to
> Nick Clayton so he can take some action.  And if anyone would like to
> assist in creating the documentation.. he's the man to contact as well.

Suggestions should always be sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list as
well.  If I can't field them, there are people there who can -- some of
them seem to do little except commit patches that other people send in,
and that's one of the most valuable, and thankless, roles there is.

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