
I'm having trouble with the new OpenSSH in 4.0 (both -release &
-stable as of today, Saturday, 8 April).

Here is the captured (& slightly edited) output from "ssh -v <hostname>."
SSH Version OpenSSH-1.2.2, protocol version 1.5.
Compiled with SSL.
debug: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug: ssh_connect: getuid 0 geteuid 0 anon 0
debug: Connecting to foo.bar.baz [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn] port 22.
debug: Allocated local port 1013.
debug: Connection established.
debug: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version 1.2.17
debug: Waiting for server public key.
Warning: Server lies about size of server public key: actual size is 767 bits vs. 
announced 768.
Warning: This may be due to an old implementation of ssh.
debug: Received server public key (767 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
debug: Host 'foo.bar.baz' is known and matches the host key.
** R_RandomInit: Unable to find an RSAREF shared library (librsaref.so).
** Install the /usr/ports/security/rsaref port or package and run this
** program again. See the OpenSSL chapter in the FreeBSD Handbook, located at
** http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/openssl.html, for more information.

OS is FreeBSD 4.0, installed from CDs (supposedly having
selected crypto) Friday, 7 April & brought to RELENG_4
(specifying src-all & cvs-crypto) Saturday, 8 April (today).

I have read the abovementioned URL & so far still haven't been
able to get it working.

Even though there appears to be a RSAREF tarball on CD 1,
/stand/sysinstall does not indicate that (ie. in packages) & it
does not appear in the INDEX.  Ports also seem to not realize
that I (supposedly) have this on CD (it only tries ftp).

What am I doing "wrong" and/or do I need to do to fix this?
Is this something that needs to be addressed in (for example) errata?

Previously I have been using both ssh1 & ssh2 (not installed
from ports) & they've always worked fine.

Also, will ssh2 play nicely with OpenSSH?

Naturally, FAQ/doc/book pointers are quite welcome...



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