Hello All,

 I am in the process of trying to make NIS function on a few FreeBSD
machines, and think I have everything setup and working for the most
part.  The one problem I am having is that when I try and perform a
login, the auth attempts all fail unless the user is in the local 
password file, and yes I do have the + entry at the bottom of the
passwd and master.passwd files.

 If I do a 'ypcat passwd' or 'ypcat master.passwd' from the client 
machine they both come across and look fine.   Also doing an ls on
some of the NFS mounts, or ypcat's of other other files all work just
fine, so ypbind/ypserv are talking to each other.

 The one other strangeness (maybe) is I tried to do a passwd (yppasswd)
of one of the accounts on the master server, and it claimed it changed
the password successfully, but in reality nothing happened, as the password
remained the same on the master when checked.

 I have never really tried to debug NIS, so after spending a couple hours
looking around, I figured I would post to the lists and see if anyone here
could give me some pointers, or maybe some decent config examples to take
a peek at over here.  FYI, the master is an Intel FBSD 3.4 box, and the
client I am testing on is an Alpha FBSD 4.0 machine, but I would hope that
isn't causing this trouble.

 Any ideas, clues, hints, or pointers appreciated...

Howard Leadmon - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.abs.net
ABSnet Internet Services - Phone: 410-361-8160 - FAX: 410-361-8162

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