a short while ago I purchased a new IDE/ATAPI CD Rewriter/Recorder from
Kodak. Ever since I've been looking all over the web for information on
how to get the thing to work with cdrecord in FreeBSD. Unfortunately
cdrecord only seems to work with SCSI drives.
I know that Linux has a SCSI-on-ATAPI simulation that allows ATAPI devices
to be controlled as if they were SCSI devices (which allows one to use
cdrecord with ATAPI burners). Does FreeBSD (I'm running 4.0-STABLE) have
anything similar, or is there any other way that I might be able to burn
CD-Rs using FreeBSD?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Stefanus Du Toit * WorldForger * Unix Hacker * Open Source Fanatic
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