Booting above 8 Gb is not supported, due to BIOS problems. If you don't
believe that, trying booting Windows above 8 Gb... :-)

Alas, one developer had some interesting ideas on how to solve this
problem recently. There is _unsupported_ options to make this work, but
we can't activate them by default because not all hardware/firmware is
compatible with it.

Roddie Hasan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Running 4.0-STABLE (though I had the same issue in 4.0-RELEASE).  I've got
> a 10 gig IDE Hard drive with two FAT32 paritions taking 2 gig and 6 gig,
> and then a 2.4 gig FreeBSD partition.
> /    - 100 megs
> /var - 100 megs
> swap - 268 megs
> /usr - 1800 megs
> On bootup, I get the following:
> >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
>    Default: 0:ad(0,a)?
>    boot: /load /boot/loader
>    Disk error 0x1 (lba=0xfc093c)
>    No /boot/loader
> The system continues to boot /kernel automatically and runs fine from
> there.  (I've patched the kernel per kern/17422 to get top, vmstat
> etc. working).  For the record, /boot/loader *does* exist.
> I've read an explanation about the 1024 cylinder limit, but I used the
> exact same configuration with 3.4-STABLE and /boot/loader worked fine.
> Any assistance would be appreciated.
> Regards, Roddie
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Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        GPL certainly doesn't meet Janis Joplin's definition of freedom:
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."

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