On Sat, 2008-11-08 at 02:27 +0100, vermaden wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently there is possibility to set lowest speed of
> cpu for scaling with cpufreq (debug.cpufreq.lowest),
> it would be good to include also a option to set the
> highest possible freq to use with cpufreq, some laptops
> get too hot and/or consume too much power when running
> on maximum power/speed of cpu.

If temperature is the concern, you could override passive cooling
threshold by putting something like 


into your /etc/sysctl.conf

You will need to figure out which thermal zone you need to override _PSV
for (in my case tz1) and what do you want to cap temperature at (in my
case 75C)

Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko (Олександр Коваленко)

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