> Are you using the same disk controller as Peter ?  Do both of you run 
> with quotas on the file system ?  By lockup, do you mean it doesnt 
> respond to the network either or just anything that needs disk IO ?

I dont think he can be using yhe same controller, as mine is an
embedded HPO unit. they do make a separate plugin one though - P400
SAS controller.

My symptoms are that the thing locks hard and respionds to nothing, no
keypresses or anything. I am assuming that the disc is the first thing to
go though, ebcause I see data which was being written to a file and a
processes reading from that file to the network. more of the file comes
over the network than makes it phyiscally onto the disc

The only useful error I ever saw was the message about spin
lock / turnstile locks being held for too long.

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