On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 12:46:23PM +0000, Matt Burke wrote:
> Kostik Belousov wrote:
> >>> Compile ddb into the kernel, and do "ps" from the ddb prompt. If there
> >>> are processes hung in the "nbufkv" state, then the patch below might
> >>> help.
> >> The bonnie++ processes are in state "newbuf" and other hung processes
> >> (bash, newly forked sshds, etc) appear to be in the "ufs" state.
> > What is the state of the bufdaemon process ?
> qsleep

Please, increase the value that is assigned to the target variable in the
line 2193 of the patched sys/kern/vfs_bio.c from 1 to, say, 10 or 100.

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