On 16/feb/09, at 10:47, Michel Talon wrote:

I think you can access that in the ruby program pkg_fetch
in function real_fetch_pkg, i have the following:
$pkg_site_uris.each do |uri_base|
   PKG_SUFFIXES.each do |suffix|
     uri = uri_base + (subdir + '/' + pkgname + suffix)
     path = path_base + suffix

     fetch(uri, path) and return path

Here probably you lack the '/'


Michel TALON

I've got the same as you:

 $pkg_site_uris.each do |uri_base|
   PKG_SUFFIXES.each do |suffix|
     uri = uri_base + (subdir + '/' + pkgname + suffix)
     path = path_base + suffix

     fetch(uri, path) and return path

Which version of the file do you have?

MYREVISION = %w$Rev: 52 $[1]
MYDATE = %w$Date: 2008/01/08 11:32:27 $[1]
MYNAME = File.basename($0)


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