On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 08:12:28AM +0100, Zoran Kolic wrote:
> Howdy!
> I'd like to rip my cd-s to flac files using some
> command line app, like cdda2wav or cdparanoia.
> Using pipe to flac utility would be nice and the
> way I'd take. What program acts in that matter?

It won't work if you want the songs to have the right metadata; You'd
have to supply that to the pipe in some way...

For ripping I use cdparanoia: 'cdparanoia -B 1' rips all tracks.

The following perl scripts reads a text file containing the metadata
(artist, album name, track data) and calls flac:

----- make-flac -----
# Compiles a list of wav files into flac files.
# Author: R.F. Smith <rsm...@xs4all.nl>
# Time-stamp: <2008-07-30 23:53:00 rsmith>
# I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into
# the public domain. This applies worldwide.
# In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use
# this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions
# are required by law.

# Check for programs that this script needs.
chomp($flac = `which flac 2>/dev/null`);
-x $flac || die "Cannot find flac: $!\n";
#chomp($norm = `which normalize 2>/dev/null`);
#-x $norm || die "Cannot find normalize: $!\n";

# Get the name of the file containing the titles.
if ($ARGV[0] ne "") {
    $fname = $ARGV[0];
} else {
    $fname = "titles";

# open the list of song titles
open (TITELS, $fname) || die "cannot open $fname: $!\n";

# The titles file format is as follows:
# ------------------------------------
# album title
# artist
# 01 title of 1st song
# ..
# 14 title of 14th song
# ..

# get the album title and performer name
chomp($album = <TITELS>);
$album ne "" || die "cannot read album name";
chomp($artist = <TITELS>);
$artist ne "" || die "cannot read artist name";

# Normalize the wav files.
#printf("Normalizing .wav files...\n");
#`$norm -b track*.cdda.wav`;

# go over all the songs
while(<TITELS>) {
    ($num, $title) = split (' ', $_, 2);
    printf ("Encoding \"%s\" as %s\n", $title, "track".$num.".flac");
    # invoke the flac encoder.
    do {
        $rc = system ($flac, "-8", "-TARTIST=".$artist, "-TALBUM=".$album, 
                      "-TTITLE=".$title,  "-TTRACKNUMBER=".$num, 
                      "-o", "track".$num.".flac", "track".$num.".cdda.wav");
        if ($rc != 0) {print "\nError,", $rc, "starting again";}
    } until $rc == 0;
----- make-flac -----

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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