On 16 Mar 2009, at 1:01 PM, Alan Cox wrote:

For now, can you just provide the stack trace?

As I mentioned, I am unable to do so - I have no kernel.debug.

However, I am trying to reproduce the bug again. (It takes a while.) Although it has not yet crashed, I noticed another unusual behavior:

Normally during my gcc builds the 1 GB of swap space is never touched. My main 1 GB of RAM is sufficient and there is always at least 100 MB of free memory.

Today I saw a STATE listed when running top that I have never seen, called "wdrain". This happened when I saw my free memory plummet down to only 20 MB free (out of 1 GB). This state appears to be set in / usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_bio.c in a routine called waitrunningbufspace(). This file also was modified March 1st. I do not know if there is a connection...

The last time I built gcc-4.4 was probably just before this. (I build gcc whenever there is a new version, within a couple of days of it being added to ports. There was about two weeks with no new versions this first half of March so it has been a couple of weeks...)

I am tempted to go back to about Feb 28th kernel-wise and try the gcc build again and see if it works or panics.

Any suggestions as to how I can help narrow this down?

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