> >> ... or the database is configured in a risky way... But judging by 
> >> this thread, it seems dump with -L is indeed broken for some 
> >> people.  Hence, I suggested dumping the database using the database's 
> >> backup tools and trying dump without -L
> >
> >Well, if dump -L is really broken I'd recommend just not using dump
> >unless you absolutely have to. That is assuming snapshots are not
> >broken so that you can still use mksnap_ffs with your favorite backup
> >tool.
> >
> >-- 
> >/ Peter Schuller
> >
> No one has said the dump "L" is broken -- and is NOT but now may mislead
> others just tuning into this thread.

I was commenting on the specific statement that I quoted above. I am
not claiming anything about dump being broken.

/ Peter Schuller

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