
MT> I'm trying to migrate a filesystem from one disk to another using:
MT>     dump a0hCf 0 32 - /old | restore -rf -
MT> (/old is already mounted read-only). The process runs for a while and
MT> then stops with:
MT>     [...]
MT>       DUMP: 22.85% done, finished in 3:57 at Tue Mar 24 01:03:21 2009
MT>       DUMP: 24.66% done, finished in 3:50 at Tue Mar 24 01:00:58 2009
MT>       DUMP: 26.44% done, finished in 3:43 at Tue Mar 24 00:59:14 2009
MT>     unknown tape header type 1853384566
MT>     abort? [yn]
MT> Any idea, what's going on? Why can't FreeBSD's restore read FreeBSD's
MT> dump's output?

Is your /tmp large enough to restore?

Eugene Gladchenko

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