On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, Julian Stacey wrote:
 > Hi stable@ people,
 > Ref my:
 > > Found manually on 
 > >    ftp://ftp.uk.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/7.2
 > >    but slow at 60 KB/s
 > > Faster @ 100K from USA
 > >    ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/7.2
 > >    but I'd feel guilty loading main site & intercontinental band width.
 > Erwin Lansing emailed me off list:
 > > ... Are you sure you hit the US mirror?  ftp.freebsd.org is a DNS round
 > > robin between a US and a danish mirror, so my guess would be that
 > > if you'd have hit the danish one, it would have been faster. ...
 > Thanks Erwin, You're right, nslookup:
 >      Name:   ftp.freebsd.org
 >      Address:
 >      Address:
 > For me in Munich Germany the Danish mirror 
 > ftp.beastie.tdk.net.
 > is 10 times faster than USA.
 > freebsd.isc.org.
 > But I wouldn't want to load Denmark needlessly either, so look
 > forward to reading follow up I see starting re. bitorrent &
 > fastest_cvsup etc. Thanks all !


usually works for me .. doesn't show RTT or bandwidth directly, but 
Edwin might even share his secret recipe, offered enough $beer ..

The 10 day score overview indeed shows .de mirrors improving yesterday 
from a not so hot score recently, and 7.2-BETA only on a few so far.

cheers, Ian
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