> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 15:55:08 +0100
> From: Bruce Simpson <b...@incunabulum.net>
> Sender: owner-freebsd-sta...@freebsd.org
> Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > Is there a recipe for a working flas9 or flash10 operation ?
> >   
> Allegedly PC-BSD ship a working Flash install, I have not tried it.
> I have had similar problems and tried similar recipes. The Flash 
> player(s) thus embedded are not very stable, and can crash or hang with 
> multiple opens, or browser tab embedding the player(s) being closed.

In all honesty, linux-flash has not been really stable, even on Linux,
since flash7. That said, I have had good results with flash9 and
nspluginwrapper. I also use linux_base-f8 and carefully updated all of
my linux emulation mode ports to the f8 version (when available). I
think that covers all of them EXCEPT linux-nvu and the closed source
third-party apps like linux-realplayer and linux-flashplugin9. Also, be
sure to add the define lines to /etc/make.conf as described in the
installation of linux_base-f8.

# portversion | grep linux-
then, for each item:
portupgrade -o /usr/ports/DIR/linux-f8-PORT/ linux-PORT

Where DIR is the ports directory and PORT is the pat of the port name
following 'linux-'. Note that you really need to do these in dependency
tree order or you will get install errors. Use 'portupgrade -fn linux-\*'
to get the order.

Log into the system under your normal account (not root) and run
nspluginwrapper to install the plugins that need to be wrapped.
nspluginwrapper -i /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so
nspluginwrapper -i /usr/local/lib/linux-mozilla/plugins/nphelix.so

Restart firefox3.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: ober...@es.net                  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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