On FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE it seems to be impossible to map the Backspace
key to '\' and '|'. Here's what I did:

Change /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/us.unix.kbd:

--- us.unix.kbd-        2009-07-17 16:43:35.000000000 -0700
+++ us.unix.kbd 2009-08-05 08:08:26.000000000 -0700
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
   011   '0'    ')'    nop    nop    '0'    ')'    nop    nop     O
   012   '-'    '_'    us     us     '-'    '_'    us     us      O
   013   '='    '+'    nop    nop    '='    '+'    nop    nop     O
-  014   del    del    bs     bs     del    del    bs     bs      O
+# 014   del    del    bs     bs     del    del    bs     bs      O
+  014   '\'    '|'    fs     fs     '\'    '|'    fs     fs      O
   015   ht     btab   nop    nop    ht     btab   nop    nop     O
   016   'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1    'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1     C
   017   'w'    'W'    etb    etb    'w'    'W'    etb    etb     C
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@
   040   '''    '"'    nop    nop    '''    '"'    nop    nop     O
   041   esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    debug  esc     O
   042   lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift  O
-  043   '\'    '|'    fs     fs     '\'    '|'    fs     fs      O
+# 043   '\'    '|'    fs     fs     '\'    '|'    fs     fs      O
+  043   bs     bs     del    del    del    del    bs     bs      O
   044   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    sub    sub     C
   045   'x'    'X'    can    can    'x'    'X'    can    can     C
   046   'c'    'C'    etx    etx    'c'    'C'    etx    etx     C

and run:
kbdcontrol -k /dev/console -l /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/us.unix.kbd

AFAICT this worked under 7.1 release. If I try a different character
than backslash, e.g.,
014   '0'    '|'    fs     fs     '\'    '|'    fs     fs      O
it works.
Is this a regression or user error?
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