2009/11/14 Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz>:
> Ivan Voras wrote:
>> I forgot to attach hardware details:
>> bce0: HP NC373i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter (B2) ASIC
>> 0x57081021 Rev B2 B/C 0x04040105 Flags 2.5G
>> Additional data point: I cannot reconfigure the card to 100 Mbit
>> operation (currently in 1000baseSX autoselect, full-duplex).
>> Ivan Voras wrote:
>>> The symptoms are:
>>> * The device (bce0, bce1) comes up, is visible in ifconfig, can be
>>> configured, is UP and RUNNING, everything looks fine
>>> * Apparently, it simply doesn't work - no ping responses, TCP, nothing
>>> * But tcpdump shows that the NIC apparently does receive multicast
>>> router announcements, and some broadcast ARP traffic; only unicast
>>> seems to be affected.
>>> * Running "netstat 1" shows that apparently there are some packets
>>> received - once a second or so, and the "err" counters are 0.
>>> * Digging further, the dev.bce.0.stat_IfinFramesL2FilterDiscards
>>> contains an increasing number, currently arround 57000 and the
>>> dev.bce.0.stat_IfHCInBadOctets also contains an increasing number,
>>> currently around 450,000, while ...InOctets is around 30,000 and
>>> ...OutBadOctets is 0.
>>> From the sysctls it looks like maybe it's discarding valid input
>>> packets. I've tried disabling rxcsum, txcsum and TSO without effect.
>>> I cannot upgrade or install 8.0 because newusb has some problems with
>>> the hardware.
>>> Any ideas?
> Can it be related to this PR 134788?
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=134788
> (your problem sounds different, but anyway you can try 7-STABLE bce driver)
> Recent changes in bce driver fixed it for me.

I did try booting 8.0 and found the same problem (though I cannot
install 8.0 because of an unrelated problem with newusb). Judging by
the dates in the PR, the fix should also be present in 8.
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