On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 01:48, Daniel O'Connor <docon...@gsoft.com.au> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Tom Evans wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Daniel O'Connor
> <docon...@gsoft.com.au>wrote:
>> > On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Marius Nünnerich wrote:
>> > > >  operator    0, 164 Oct 21 15:34
>> > > > /dev/gptid/6866d8b0-a8ac-11de-8e07-00241dd192cc
>> > >
>> > > Have you tried naming the GPT partitions and using /dev/gpt/* ?
>> >
>> > Nope, how would I do that?
>> >
>> > I'd be surprised if it worked TBH..
>> Use the -l flag to gpart when creating the partitions. I'm not sure
>> if there is a way to label them after the fact. I found it led to a
>> much more descriptive/reliable pool, as I can plug the disks in
>> anywhere and get the same results:
> Descriptive yes, reliable no (IMO :)
> UUIDs should always be more reliable so long as the "UU" part of their
> name holds true :)
> No reason you couldn't have both thought.
>>   pool: tank
>>  state: ONLINE
>>  scrub: none requested
>> config:
>>     NAME                  STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>>     tank                  ONLINE       0     0     0
>>       raidz1              ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/samsung15-1   ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/samsung15-2   ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/samsung15-3   ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/samsung15-4   ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/seagate15-1   ONLINE       0     0     0
>>         gpt/seagate15-2   ONLINE       0     0     0
>> I use the geom name 'gpt/foo' when referring to the disks in zpool.
>> All works perfectly.
> Hmm I did..
> [midget 11:13] ~ >sudo gpart modify -i 2 -l "Midget-ZFS-1" ad4
> ad4p2 modified
> [midget 11:15] ~ >sudo gpart show -l ad4
> =>        34  1953525101  ad4  GPT  (932G)
>          34     8388608    1  (null)  (4.0G)
>     8388642  1944059904    2  Midget-ZFS-1  (927G)
>  1952448546     1076589       - free -  (526M)
> but I get no /dev/gpt directory..
> [midget 11:14] ~ >ls -la /dev/gpt
> ls: /dev/gpt: No such file or directory
> Maybe the UUID label got their first so it won't have an alias (although
> the UUID is an alias for /dev/ad4p2..)

Maybe that's been asked already but what version are you using?
Does glabel work at all?
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