On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 06:40:17PM -0600, Squirrel wrote:
> My server was hacked, and the hacker was nice enough to not cause damage 
> except changing index.php of couple of my websites.  The index.php had the 
> following info:
> "Hacked By Top
> First Warning That's Bug From Your Servers
> Next Time You Must Be Careful And Fixed Your Site Before Coming Another 
> Hacker And Hacked You Again
> Sorry Admin And Don't Worry Just I Change Index
> For Contact : l...@hotmail.com
> Best Wishes"
> Of course, I sent him email, just in case it's valid, asking how he did it or 
> how should I patch things up.  But haven't got a reply yet.  I've looked at 
> all the log files, particularly auth.log, although there were thousands of 
> login attempts to SSH and FTP, but none succeeded.  And I don't know where 
> else to look, please help.
> I'm using FreeBSD 7.1-Release with below daemons
> Apache 2.2.11
> ProFTP 1.32
> OpenSSH 5.1
> Webmin 1.480
> MySQL 5.0.67
> BIND 9.6.0
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1) Immediately disable all forms of network connectivity from the
Internet to this box.  Do it physically if possible, otherwise cross
your fingers (that nothing low-level got tinkered with) and use pf.

2) Format the box + reinstall OS.

Don't bother trying to "fix up what may have been changed", nor simply
rebuilding world/kernel + rebooting.  There is absolutely no guarantee
the individual did not backdoor something, including libraries or even
replace kernel modules.

Don't risk it: reinstall the entire OS and rebuild from scratch, or
restore necessary (non-OS) pieces from backups (assuming you know
absolutely 100% for sure when the person "hacked the box" -- chances
are it could've been hacked long before the person told you and your
backups contain the same backdoors).

Don't have backups?  Use this situation as justification for 'em.  :-)

| Jeremy Chadwick                                   j...@parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                       http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |
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