On Wed, 16 Dec 2009, Xin LI wrote:
> My $0.02: what about labelling them, say, tunefs -L on UFS
> partitions, and glabel for swap, then change corresponding entry in
> fstab.  Say:
>  - Start into single user
>  - tunefs -L root /
>  - reboot into single user <--- reboot required after tuning /
>  - mount -u /; mount -a
>  - vi /etc/fstab and change "/dev/ad0a" to "/dev/ufs/root"
>  - umount -a
>  - tunefs -L other partitions
>  - mount -a
>  - vi /etc/fstab and change the rest
>  - reboot

If you use the UFS ID label instead you don't need to reboot because you 
don't modify the superblock :)

You can find the ID with..
line=`dumpfs 2> /dev/null $1 | head | grep superblock\ location`
# dumpfs doesn't print leading 0s
echo $line | sed -nEe 's/superblock location.*id.*\[ (.*)(.*)\ ]/printf %0x 
$((0x\1 << 32 | 0x\2))/p'

(in an sh like shell)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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