An observation... pre-8.0, "who am i" always returned the owner of the
terminal device, regardless what you might have done with with "su".
With 8.0, it returns the id of the user you've changed to.  Example:

### 7.1 system

[cow...@jakob ~]$ who am i
cowens           ttyp0    Jan  6 07:31 (
[cow...@jakob ~]$ su
[r...@jakob /home/cowens]# who am i
cowens           ttyp0    Jan  6 07:31 (

### 8.0 system

[cow...@newercastle ~]$ who am i
cowens           0        Jan  7 17:47
[cow...@newercastle ~]$ su
[r...@newercastle /home/cowens]# who am i
root             0        Jan  7 17:47

The alternative syntax ("who -m") gives same result.  The who(1) man
page still states that both forms are supposed to give info about the
"terminal attached to standard input," which, if I look with "w", it
looks as I'd expect:

[r...@newercastle /home/cowens]# w
 5:47PM  up 1 day, 1 min, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER             TTY      FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
root             v0       -                17Dec09 21days -bash (bash)
cowens           pts/0     5:47PM     - w

Am I missing something, or do we have a bug here?  (I looked but can't
find any existing threads about this issue).  I'm guessing that the
symptom here results somehow from the introduction of pts(4).


 Charles Owens
 Great Bay Software, Inc.

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