Quoting Jeremy Chadwick <free...@jdc.parodius.com> (from Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:01:01 -0800):

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:40:50AM -0500, Garrett Moore wrote:
I've been watching my memory usage and I have no idea what is consuming
memory as 'Active'.

Last night I had around 6500MB 'Active' again, 1500MB Wired, no inact, ~30MB
buf, no free, and ~100MB swap used. My performance copying ZFS->ZFS was
again slow (<1MB/s). I tried killing rTorrent and no significant amount of
memory was reclaimed - maybe 100MB. `ps aux` showed no processes using any
significant amount of memory, and I was definitely nowhere near 6500MB

I tried running the perl oneliner again to hog a bunch of memory, and almost
all of the Active memory was IMMEDIATELY marked as Free, and my performance
was excellent again.

I'm not sure what in userland could be causing the issue. The only things
I've installed are rTorrent, lighttpd, samba, smartmontools, vim, bash,
Python, Perl, and SABNZBd. There is nothing that *should* be consuming any
serious amount of memory.

I've two recommendations:

1) Have you considered "upgrading" to RELENG_8 (e.g. 8.0-STABLE) instead
of sticking with 8.0-RELEASE?  There's been a recent MFC to RELENG_8
which pertain to ARC drainage.  I'm referring to the commit labelled
revision (RELENG_8):


This patch can be merged stand-alone if necessary, no need to go to RELENG_8 if there are reservations.

2) Have you tried using vfs.zfs.arc_max in loader.conf to limit the ARC
size?  I'd recommend picking something like 1GB as a cap (your machine

Or even less... to be determined by experimenting.

has 8GB total at present, if I remember right).  I believe long ago
someone said this isn't an explicit hard limit on the maximum size of
the ARC, but I believe this was during the RELENG_7 days and the ARC
"stuff" on FreeBSD has changed since then.  I wish the tunables were
better documented, or at least explained in detail (hello Wiki!).

The commit you refer to above is just doing this: limiting the arc more to the arc_max than it was the case before.

This patch is in 7-stable too (in case someone is interested).


Johnson's First Law:
        When any mechanical contrivance fails, it will do so at the
        most inconvenient possible time.

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