On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Dan Naumov <dan.nau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> From the SUN ZFS Administration Guide:
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-5461/gaztn?a=view
> "If ZFS is currently managing the file system but it is currently
> unmounted, and the mountpoint property is changed, the file system
> remains unmounted."
> This does not seem to be the case in FreeBSD (8.0-RELEASE):
> =================================
> zfs get mounted tank/home
> NAME            PROPERTY        VALUE           SOURCE
> tank/home               mounted         no                      -
> zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/home tank/home
> zfs get mounted tank/home
> NAME            PROPERTY        VALUE           SOURCE
> tank/home               mounted         no                      -
> =================================
> This might not look like a serious issue at first, until you try doing
> an installation of FreeBSD from FIXIT, trying to setup multiple
> filesystems and their mountpoints at the very end of the installation
> process. For example if you set the mountpoint of your
> poolname/rootfs/usr to /usr as one of the finishing touches to the
> system installation, it will immideately mount the filesystem,
> instantly breaking your FIXIT environment and you cannot proceed any
> further. Is this a known issue and/or should I submit a PR?

Oops, I managed to screw up my previous email. My point was to show
that "mounted" changes to YES after changing the mountpoint property

- Dan
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