Dan Langille wrote:

I'm looking at creating a large home use storage machine. Budget is a concern, but size and reliability are also a priority. Noise is also a concern, since this will be at home, in the basement. That, and cost, pretty much rules out a commercial case, such as a 3U case. It would be nice, but it greatly inflates the budget. This pretty much restricts me to a tower case.

The primary use of this machine will be a backup server[1]. It will do other secondary use will include minor tasks such as samba, CIFS, cvsup, etc.

I'm thinking of 8x1TB (or larger) SATA drives. I've found a case[2] with hot-swap bays[3], that seems interesting. I haven't looked at power supplies, but given that number of drives, I expect something beefy with a decent reputation is called for.

Whether I use hardware or software RAID is undecided.  I

I think I am leaning towards software RAID, probably ZFS under FreeBSD 8.x but I'm open to hardware RAID but I think the cost won't justify it given ZFS.

Given that, what motherboard and RAM configuration would you recommend to work with FreeBSD [and probably ZFS]. The lists seems to indicate that more RAM is better with ZFS.


[1] - FYI running Bacula, but that's out of scope for this question

[2] - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811192058

[3] - nice to have, especially for a failure.

After creating three different system configurations (Athena, Supermicro, and HP), my configuration of choice is this Supermicro setup:

   1. Samsung SATA CD/DVD Burner $20 (+ $8 shipping)
   2. SuperMicro 5046A $750 (+$43 shipping)
   3. LSI SAS 3081E-R $235
   4. SATA cables $60
   5. Crucial 3×2G ECC DDR3-1333 $191 (+ $6 shipping)
   6. Xeon W3520 $310

Total price with shipping $1560

Details and links at http://dan.langille.org/2010/02/14/supermicro/

I'll probably start with 5 HDD in the ZFS array, 2x gmirror'd drives for the boot, and 1 optical drive (so 8 SATA ports).
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