On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Dan Naumov <dan.nau...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I have succesfully tested and used a "full ZFS install" of FreeBSD 8.0
> on both single disk and mirror disk configurations using both MBR and
> GPT partitioning. AFAIK, with the more recent -CURRENT and -STABLE it
> is also possible to boot off a root filesystem located on raidz/raidz2
> pools. But what about booting off pools consisting of multiple striped
> mirror or raidz vdevs? Like this:
> Assume each disk looks like a half of a traditional ZFS mirror root
> configuration using GPT
> 1: freebsd-boot
> 2: freebsd-swap
> 3: freebsd-zfs
> |disk1+disk2| + |disk3+disk4| + |disk5+disk6|
> My logic tells me that while booting off any of the 6 disks, boot0 and
> boot1 stage should obviously work fine, but what about the boot2
> stage? Can it properly handle booting off a root filesystem thats
> striped across 3 mirror vdevs or is booting off a single mirror vdev
> the best that one can do right now?
I don't know, but I plan to test that scenario in a few days.

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