On 2/16/10, Jeff Dowsley <jeff.dows...@mac.com> wrote:
> Gentles
> I have an old HP Pavillion DV6000 laptop, which has a Broadcom USB
> wireless device.  Worked under Windows Vista.  I installed freeBSD 8-
> stable, and see as the last line in dmesg
> ugen2.2: <Broadcom Corp> at usbus2
> Ferreting with google suggests that 8.0 might have usb support for
> the ndis wrapper, but I am unable to get any joy either using the HP
> bcmwl5 drivers for the DV6000, or in attempting to use the bwi driver.
> (I have an old Compaq N1020 with a LinkSys wireless PCMCIA card,
> which I have successfully generated the ndis wrapper and works
> happily under 8-stable)
> Any thoughts?

Firts, make sure you are using right driver.
Second make sure that driver is for XP, because NDISulator supports
only 5.1 NDIS api.
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