On 02/25/10 13:42, Richard Kuhns wrote:
On 02/25/10 12:38, Tom Evans wrote:
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Richard Kuhns<r...@wintek.com>   wrote:

I'm hoping someone can give me some help getting audio working on this
beast. I'm by no means an audiophile; I just like to listen to the
occasional CD and/or online station while I work. None of the jacks on the
back of the tower seem to do anything.

In addition, when starting a Virtual Machine under VirtualBox, I get a popup

"Some audio devices (PCM_in, PCM_mic) could not be opened". Under Details,
the Error ID is HostAudioNotResponding.

$ cat /dev/sndstat
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 32bit 2009061500/i386)
Installed devices:
pcm0:<HDA ATI R6xx HDMI PCM #0 HDMI>   (play) default
pcm1:<HDA Analog Devices AD1984A PCM #0 Analog>   (play/rec)
pcm2:<HDA Analog Devices AD1984A PCM #1 Analog>   (play/rec)

Per the snd_hda manpage, I'm also attaching the hda-related output from a
verbose boot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

         - Richart

Your default device is currently the HDMI output on your graphics
card. You probably want to play with sysctl snd.default_unit=1 (or 2)
to set it to one of the analog outputs. One should be the front audio,
the other one should be the back.

Once you've got it sorted out, add to /etc/sysctl.conf to persist it.



OK, now I can get sound from both vlc and xmms as long as I plug the speakers
into the headphone jack on the front of the tower, which is a major improvement!
It doesn't make any difference which (non-zero) value I give to
hw.snd.default_unit. VMs no longer complain at startup, but there's still no
audio from them; there's also no sound from flash. I'm pretty sure that's what
BBC Radio uses, and I've always liked to listen to Radio 4's news at 1 (which is
8 AM for me).

Many thanks for your help!

While I know it's generally bad form to follow up to myself, I've made some more progress and it might be useful to someone else.

The problem with flash was apparently that I had to symlink /usr/compat/linux/lib/libssl.so.5 to the currently installed version, libssl.so.0.9.8g. Strange but true...

At any rate, I now have sound from everything I did before except for VMs under Virtual Box.

Once again, thanks, Tom, for your help.

Richard Kuhns <r...@wintek.com>     My Desk:          765-269-8541
Wintek Corporation                 Internet Support: 765-269-8503
427 N 6th Street STE C             Consulting:       765-269-8504
Lafayette, IN 47901-2211           Accounting:       765-269-8502
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