On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 12:26:02 +0200 Daniel Braniss <da...@cs.huji.ac.il>
wrote about Re: mbuf leakage with nfs/zfs? :

DB> > Hm, I've got a server with 8-PRE from somewhen in Nov09 that is
DB> > serving nfs from zfs fine and shows no leakage...

DB> the binary search has started!
DB> sorry, have to go know :-) [realy], but should be back in a couple of
DB> hours, let me know if you managed to pin it down, else I can continue.

Sorry, but I cannot do much over the weekend. Both the machine with leakage
and the one without are in production (and about 40km apart from each
other and away from my home :-).
I still wonder if there are more circumstances needed to provoke this
problem. I really doubt that this would have gone unnoticed for weeks or
even months if it only takes some nfs-server serving from zfs storage and
some client to see it.
What does the client in your test setup look like?

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