On 8 March 2010, at 06:53, Robert Watson wrote:

> On Sun, 7 Mar 2010, Robert Watson wrote:
>> If your system shows a non-zero value, please send me a *private e-mail* 
>> with the output of that command, plus also the output of "sysctl kern.smp", 
>> "uptime", and a brief description of the workload and network interface 
>> configuration.  For example: it's a busy 8-core web server with roughly X 
>> connections/second, and that has three em network interfaces used to load 
>> balance from an upstream source.  IPSEC is used for management purposes (but 
>> not bulk traffic), and there's a local MySQL database.
> I've now received a number of reports that confirm our suspicion that the 
> race does occur, albeit very rarely, and particularly on systems with many 
> cores or multiple network interfaces.  Fixing it is definitely on the TODO 
> for 9.0, both to improve our ability to do multiple virtual network stacks, 
> but with an appropriately scalable fix in mind given our improved TCP 
> scalability for 9.0 as well.

I run a number of 4 core systems with em interfaces.  These are production 
systems that are unmanned and located a long way from me.  Under unusual 
conditions it can take up to 6 hours to get there.  I have been waiting to 
switch to 8.0 because of the discussions on the em device and now it sounds 
like I had better just skip 8.x and wait for 9.  7.2 is working just 
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