On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:

On 20-3-2010 0:50, Charles Sprickman wrote:
Just wondering, is this using the base nfsd/mountd, or is there some
in-kernel nfs code strictly for zfs? I haven't found much info on the
share* options in the manpage or wiki.

There's also the complete ZFS manual you should read:

Anyone know how to tie the version of that document to the current version that's in FreeBSD?

Overall, it's a great reference.  Already answered a number of questions.

Here's another Sun doc that I used to get started:


It looks like it's for sales engineers who are going to do a demo of ZFS, however it works quite well as a quick-start. It describes the basic concepts well and walks you through creating some pools. It's hands-down my favorite "Intro to ZFS" doc that I've found so far.



It's for Solaris, so perhaps not everything works on FreeBSD. But most of it will.

Could you give an example of passing options that would say, limit to a
subnet and map root to root using the zfs sharenfs command?

Something like this: (Email might wrap the line)
zfs set sharenfs='-alldirs -maproot=0 -network -mask' zfsdata/home/wjw

to export /home/wjw which is available as /zfsdata/home/wjw in ZFS.

All the zfs does is add this to the /etc/zfs/exports file.
And then the regular mountd/nfsd combo does the NDS-service.


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