On 2010-Jun-15 17:22:50 -0700, Xin LI <delp...@delphij.net> wrote:
>On 2010/06/15 17:05, Sean Bruno wrote:
>> A little more background.  It looks like symlinks are getting stripped
>> of their '/' which sucks.  Ideas?
>> e.g. /home/foo/bar -> /opt/baz/blob
>> becomes
>> home/foo/bar -> opt/baz/blob   
>> Yuck.
>This is a security measurement I think.

Can someone please explain how stripping a leading '/' off the
destination of a symlink enhances security?  The destination is
not being written to.

>--absolute-filenames disables this behavior.

This definitely reduces security and would seem to be far more
dangerous than being able to create symlinks to absolute pathnames.

Peter Jeremy

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