On 19/06/2010 11:06, Mark Stapper wrote:
> On 06/18/10 12:20, Alfred Bartsch wrote:
>> Mark Stapper schrieb:
>>> Hello,
>>> Since updating to 8.X I noticed that network services were started
>>> before the network was up!
>>> I use lagg failover configuration on both my FreeBSD boxes.
>>> First, boot fails on mounting my nfs-shares.
>>> After entering and exiting the "rescue" shell, the system boots as normal.
>> Hello,
>> adding:
>> synchronous_dhclient="YES"
>> to /etc/rc.conf solved some similar issues for me.
>> The default behaviour of getting an IP via dhcp has changed.
> I'll try that too.
> That would explain why I didn't have this problem on 7.2
> I DO like the whole netwait idea though.
> But for me, the synchronous_dhclient flag should be sufficient I think.
Worked like a charm!
Thank you again

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