On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 03:29:29PM -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
> Is this a known problem (I've submitted a PR just in case it is not)?
> I am seeing this consistently when I try to do a build/installworld/kernel 
> with daily sources from the master tree:
>   http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=qmhizdtnhyo&thumb=4
> The system boots fine single-user.  Problem is repeatable with both
> my kernel AND GENERIC. (My config file at end of this msg.)
> Attempting to enter multi-user causes the problem.  This
> occurs whether or not anything is enabled in /etc/rc.conf.
> Falling back to my 6-18-2010 system image makes everything right again.
> MOBO is an Intel D946GZIS with a single SATA drive and one additional
> 3Com 3c905 NIC in addition to the onboard Intel NIC.
> My Kernel Config
> =============================================================
> include GENERIC
> ident           MACHINENAME
> options         IPFIREWALL
> options         IPDIVERT
> options         VESA
> # System console options
> options         SC_DISABLE_REBOOT       # disable reboot key sequence
> options         SC_HISTORY_SIZE=200     # number of history buffer lines
> options         SC_PIXEL_MODE           # add support for the raster text mode
> # The following options will change the default colors of syscons.
> options         SC_NORM_ATTR="(FG_GREEN|BG_BLACK)"
> options         SC_NORM_REV_ATTR="(FG_YELLOW|BG_GREEN)"
> options         SC_KERNEL_CONS_ATTR="(FG_RED|BG_BLACK)"

Add DDB to your kernel, or specify the dump device. Then obtain a
backtrace for the trap.

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