On Sun, 27 Jun 2010, Rick C. Petty wrote:

First off, many thanks to Rick Macklem for making NFSv4 possible in

I recently updated my NFS server and clients to v4, but have since noticed
significant performance penalties.  For instance, when I try "ls a b c" (if
a, b, and c are empty directories) on the client, it takes up to 1.87
seconds (wall time) whereas before it always finished in under 0.1 seconds.
If I repeat the test, it takes the same amount of time in v4 (in v3, wall
time was always under 0.01 seconds for subsequent requests, as if the
directory listing was cached).

If I try to play an h264 video file on the filesystem using mplayer, it
often jitters and skipping around in time introduces up to a second or so
pause.  With NFSv3 it behaved more like the file was on local disk (no
noticable pauses or jitters).

I just came across a case where things get really slow during testing
of some experimental caching stuff. (It was caused by the experimental
stuff not in head, but...)

It turns out that if numvnodes > desiredvnodes, it sleeps for 1sec before
allocating a new vnode. This might explain your approx. 1sec delays.

When this happens, "ps axlH" will probably show a process sleeping on
"vlruwk" and desiredvnodes can be increased by setting a larger value
for kern.maxvnodes. (numvnodes can be seen as vfs.numvnodes)

I don't think there is actually a vnode leak, but you might find that
the experimental nfs subsystem is a vnode hog.


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