On 12/07/2010 19:22, Marian Hettwer wrote:
>  Hi Adam,
> Am 12.07.10 19:11, schrieb Adam Vande More:
>> Automated installations have existed on FreeBSD for a long time.  You
>> can do
>> this either via netboot or CD based media.  Also rolling your own
>> FreeBSD
>> media with custom changes is trivial compared the linux distro's I'm
>> familar
>> with.  I haven't used kickstart but I will say the FreeBSD method is
>> easier
>> to work with than the Debian FIA method.  Plus there are many
>> post-install
>> configuration utilites like puppet to further automate stuff.
> I actually like the principle of FAI configspace that much, that a
> colleague of mine and myself ported the underlying FAI to OpenBSD.
> I tend to say, that configuring a server with FAI is way easier than
> with puppet.
> I'd love to pxeboot a minimal freebsd with a ramdisk and a base set of
> utilities to use FAI there too, however, my last attempts of doing
> that with FreeBSD failed.
> But your opinion may vary, of course :)
>> This page is pretty well out of date, but the concepts remain the
>> same.  You
>> can look at the work MFSBSD has done if you interested and there are
>> more up
>> to date howto floating around the www.
> humm... what is MFSBSD?
http://mfsbsd.vx.sk/  (maybe also see
Basicly a set of scripts to build a small customised bsd that can run
from a memory backed disk (tftp bootable i believe.) I still haven't had
an excuse to try it properly but it looks pretty cool.

> Cheers,
> Marian
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