on 20/07/2010 01:04 Garrett Moore said the following:
> Well, hotswapping worked, but now I have a totally different problem. Just
> for reference:
> # zpool offline tank da3
> # camcontrol stop da3
> <swap drive>
> # camcontrol rescan all
> <'da3 lost device, removing device entry'>
> # camcontrol rescan all
> <'da3 at mpt0 ...', so new drive was found! yay>
> # zpool replace tank da3
> *cannot replace da3 with da3: device is too small*
> So I looked at the smartctl output for the old and new drive. Old:
> Device Model:     WDC WD15EADS-00P8B0
> Serial Number:    WD-WMAVU0087717
> Firmware Version: 01.00A01
> User Capacity:    1,500,301,910,016 bytes
> New:
> Device Model:     WDC WD15EADS-00R6B0
> Serial Number:    WD-WCAVY4770428
> Firmware Version: 01.00A01
> User Capacity:    1,500,300,828,160 bytes
> God damnit, Western Digital. What can I do now? It's such a small
> difference, is there a way I can work around this? My other replacement
> drive is the "00R6B0" drive model as well, with the slightly smaller
> capacity.

I second what others have said - crap.
But there could be some hope, not sure.
Can you check what is the actual size used by the pool on the disk?
It should be somewhere in zdb -C output ("asize"?).
If I remember correctly, that actual size should be a multiple of some rather
large power of two, so it could be that it is smaller than 'User Capacity' of 
old and new drives.

Andriy Gapon
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