On 18/08/10 05:57, Benjamin Francom wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a Soekris net5501, and need some assistance with the installation
> [FreeBSD 8.1].  I've configured a PXE environment with TFTP, and NFS, and I
> can boot and get into sysinstall.  After going through the initial
> configuration, slices, setting the IP address (DHCP), and proceeding with an
> FTP installation, it fails.  It's like it cannot see the ftp site.  I've
G'day Ben,

It does work - I've done it a number of times. I presume that you've
seen my guide at
and Jeremy's at

Also, there's a Soekris mailing list that often has stuff that's more
Soekris specific - http://lists.soekris.com/mailman/listinfo/soekris-tech

I seem to remember having the same problem that you're having at one
stage, but unfortunately, I can't remember the solution.

Hope this helps,

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