On 25.08.2010, at 10:03, Marco van Tol wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 09:47:13AM +0200, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> with traditional /etc/exports i can do
>> /export/linux/root   -ro             xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24
>> /export/linux/root   -maproot=0      xxx.xxx.xxx.1
>> How can i do this using zfs's sharenfs option?
>> When i try 
>> zfs set sharenfs="-ro -network xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24,-maproot=0 xxx.xxx.xxx.1" 
>> data/linux/root
>> /var/log/messages shows "network/host conflict" and "bad exports list line.
>> The general problem seems to be that with each "zfs set sharenfs" command, 
>> the corresponding in /etc/zfs/exports gets overwritten.
>> Is there a workaround for this besides ignoring sharenfs and using hand 
>> edited /etc/exports?
>> Thanks for any help,
> In december '09 I started a thread about it in freebsd...@. 
> Subject: zfs sharenfs to multiple subnets - found a dirty looking hack
> I found a dirty hack to do what you need there.  Not sure there is a
> more elegant way to do it already, would be nice.
> Marco

I already found your hack (after starting this thread) and it does work. 
However, when i then use zfs to create a descendant filesystem, things go wrong 
because when inheriting the sharenfs property from the parent, zfs does not 
adjust the mountpoint that i used in the hack. Similar problems will probably 
arise if one choses to change the mountpoint of the filesystem afterwards.

Thanks anyway for the hint!

> -- 
> Now watch me snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
> - "Rigoletto" during a game on www.dailygammon.com
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Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-62394
Fax   :            -3341

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