20.09.10, 13:37, "Erik Stian Tefre" <e...@tefre.com>:

> > I use a server (FreeBSD 8.1R amd64) with two dozens of jails configured.
>  > I've found out that only a few of them are terminated normally (via
>  > /etc/rc.shutdown) during the system shutdown. FreeBSD reports that
>  > 20sec interval has elapsed and simply kills all the jails that are not yet
>  > terminated. I would like to know in what way can I fix it using the system
>  > tools only (not ezjail, Qjail etc).
>  Increasing rcshutdown_timeout in /etc/rc.conf may help. The default
>  value is set to 30 seconds in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.


thank you for your tip. The only drawback of that approche  is absence of
ability to calculate a timeout. Try and error only.

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