On 11/16/2010 8:41 PM, Terry Kennedy wrote:
I would say it is definitely very odd that writes are a problem.  Sounds
like it might be a hardware problem.  Is it possible to export the pool,
remove the ZIL and re-import it?  I myself would be pretty nervous trying
that, but it would help isolate the problem?  If you can risk it.

   I think it is unlikely to be a hardware problem. While I haven't run any
destructive testing on the ZFS pool, the fact that it can be read without
error, combined with ECC throughout the system and the panic always happen-
ing on the first write, makes me think that it is a software issue in ZFS.

   When I do:

        zpool export data; zpool remove data da0

   I get a "No such pool: data". I then re-imported the pool and did:

        zpool offline data da0; zpool export data; zpool import data

   After doing that, I can write to the pool without a panic. But once I
online the log device and do any writes, I get the panic again.

   As I mentioned, I have this data replicated elsewere, so I can exper-
iment with the pool if it will help track down this issue.

Any more news on this?

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/
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