On 12/18/2010 16:10, Chuck Swiger wrote:
On Dec 18, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
On 12/18/2010 15:41, Chuck Swiger wrote:
/usr/local/sbin/named from ports seems to be using a
/var/named/var/run/named/named.pid file instead.

You're not using the default named.conf file then.


Nothing wrong with that. :)

It would be handy if named grew an option flag to control the pidfile
location, so that the rc.d script could be sure that it is looking at
the appropriate place.

Yes, I have that on my list, but haven't gotten enough round 'tuits. OTOH: grep named_pidfile /etc/defaults/rc.conf
named_pidfile="/var/run/named/pid" # Must set this in named.conf as well

Failing that, however, I find it a bit surprising that I'd need to
override some compiled-in default location in the config to make
things work, when I'm not changing the defaults myself and named is
being chroot'ed under a filesystem tree which the rc.d script is free
to adjust as it needs to for things to align without symlink
duct-tape.  :-)

The symlink is necessary because of the way the named chroot works.



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