
On 4 January 2011 10:50, Rick Macklem <rmack...@uoguelph.ca> wrote:

> If the above 2 lines are in your /etc/exports file and "/" is a ufs
> file system, then the above should work. For a zfs "/" you must either:
> - export / as well as /data
> or
> - use "v4: /data" so that the nfsv4 root is at /data
> Also, make sure you are running the experimental server:
> - either start both mountd and nfsd with the "-e" option or specify
> nfsv4_server_enable="YES"
> nfs_server_enable="YES"
> in your /etc/rc.conf.
> Also, you need to create an empty /var/db/nfs-stablerestart file before
> the experimental NFS server will start up the first time. (A fix for that
> is in the works, but isn't even in head yet.)
> Try looking at "man nfsv4" and checking that the daemons are running and
> that nothing got logged in /var/log/messages when they started up.
> Good luck with it, rick

After reading this thread, I tried NFSv4 today..

Whenever I tried to mount from a linux client, I get:
 mount -o vers=4 server4:/pool/backup/sites/m /mnt
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
NFS compound failed for server server4: error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
nfs mount: mount: /mnt: Permission denied

with NFS v3 it mounts just fine

any ideas?
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