On 03/12/2011 14:56, Rick Macklem wrote:
On 03/12/2011 02:21, Daniel Braniss wrote:
The problem with trying to get the same port for all
though might succeed most of the time, will fail sometimes, then

Can you please describe the scenario when it's completely impossible
find a port that's open on all 4 families?

I saw Doug's commnent, and also the:), it's not as simple as
tracking port
80 or 25, needs some efford, but it's deterministic/programable, and
worst case
you can still use the -p option (which again will fail sometimes:-).

Given that Rick has already written the patch, I don't think it's at
unreasonable to put it in as the first choice, perhaps with a fallback
to picking any available port if there isn't one available for all 4

I suppose the patch could be changed to switch to "allow any port#"
after N failed attempts at getting the same one. (I'll admit I have
troiuble seeing why getting the same port# would fail "forever" unless
all ports are in use and, if that's the case, you're snookered.)

Right. :)  I'm not suggesting that you do that, btw. But I'm not opposed
to the idea if it proves to be necessary (which I seriously doubt).

My only concern with the "same port# patch" is that it is more complex
and, therefore, somewhat riskier w.r.t. my having gotten it wrong.

Fair enough, and I'm usually the first to oppose needless complexity,
but I think in this case it's worth it.



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