Quoting Claus Guttesen <kome...@gmail.com> (from Tue, 29 Mar 2011 06:57:40 +0200):

I'm mounting the FreeBSD-server from a couple of vmware esxi 4.1
servers using nfs, but when there is alot of i/o the server becomes
unresponsive, easily triggered by installing ie. ms-sql. The server
itself is up but is not reachable from the network. When I take the
nic down and up again connection to the network is reestablished

So, is it just NFS that wedges or all IP activity and does NFS come
back to life after the "ifconfig XX up"?

All ip-activitiy, dns, ssh etc. on the interface (ip-address) that is
mounted. So whenever I test I log in to the server using the other
ip-address and whenever it stops responding to ping or my screen
session stops I reload the interfaces and the traffic resumes.

Are the two NICs the same brand/driver/board? If not, could you try to switch the networks on them and test if the problem persists? It would also be nice if you could tell which driver/chip the NIC with the problem is.


Q:      What do monsters eat?
A:      Things.

Q:      What do monsters drink?
A:      Coke.  (Because Things go better with Coke.)

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