Marko Lerota wrote:
Today one of my home servers lost power two times in a short
period of time. After that, the system just couldn't get up.
Background checks couldn't get started. The messages was how
/ /tmp /var etc...had to much errors. And at the end, always
got this: "automatic reboot will start in 15sec".

I went to single user mode, and ran FSCK manually. That solved
the problem. But the server was down for 2 hours.

This is not the first time that I had to do this. Every now
and then I have seen this on BSD servers without UPS.

My question is:

Would it happen if I had ZFS as a file system on all partitions
including root?

The setup was FreeBSD 8.1, with two disks in raid 1 with gmirror.

I'm afraid that in case of sequential power loss you will be faced with broken filesystems regardless of filesystem you're using. and I suppose that data on your servers costs, at least, ten times more than any UPS that should safely shut down your server in case of black out.

С уважением, Марат Афанасьев

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