On Fri, April 1, 2011 10:38 am, Adam Vande More wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Chris H <chris#@1command.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, April 1, 2011 6:29 am, Marko Lerota wrote:
>>> I read that ZFS don't need fsck because the files are always consistent
>> on filesystem regardless
>>> of power loses. That the corruption can occur only if disks are damaged.
>> But not
>>> when power goes down.
>> Complete nonsense. The information you read was false.
> No, it's really not.  ZFS's lack of recovery tools at least in the
> beginning were basically non existent.   This is because ZFS uses a COW model
> with an atomic data management unit design which by it's nature addresses 
> thing
> like fsck, and sudden power loss.  However, things outside of a FS's control
> still allow corrution to happen so as UPS is just as important with ZFS as 
> your
> traditional FS.  Perhaps more important because the difficulty from recovering
> from some types of pool corruption.
 Not to sound disagreeable, but
if I interrupt the power during a disk write, no amount of ZFS will insure that
the hardware completes it's write without electricity. Nor will any amount of
ZFS prevent data corruption as a result of that interrupted write.

> --
> Adam Vande More

If only Western Electric had found a way to offer
binary licenses for the UNIX system back in 1974,
the UNIX system would be running on all PC's today
rather than DOS/Windows. --en UNIX veritas!

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