2011-06-11 18:43, Sergey Kandaurov skrev:
On 11 June 2011 20:01, Rolf Nielsen<listrea...@lazlarlyricon.com>  wrote:
Hi all,

After going from 8.2-RELEASE to 8-STABLE (to get ZFS v28), I get

log_sysevent: type 19 is not implemented

exactly 20 times during boot. What does that message mean? Need I worry
about it? And even if it's harmless, it annoys me, so can I get rid of it,
and if so, how?

This warning indeed came with ZFS v28 recently merged to 8-STABLE.
AFAIK it's rather harmless. It was silenced in current recently (see svn
r222343), and the fix is expected to be merged to 8-STABLE soon.

Ok. Thanks. :)
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